
graphic/web designer, illustrator, videographer, photographer, jewelry designer, traveler and exhausted
@ Vancouver, Canada
WEBSITE:  http://www.batzgallery.com

me on a good day!

me on a good day! I just got all sorts of leopard print goodies for Xmas…

My mother once said to me, “As soon as you realized there was a world out there, you wanted to see it!” When I was seven I planned my first trip around the world but, due to economic circumstances, didn’t get realize my dream until I was in my early twenties. And when I actually got out there in the world, I found another dream: there is an whole wide world of food out there, and I wanted to eat it all! Part of these blogs are a record of my attempts to eat my way around the world.

44 responses to “About

    • I love making jewelry, playing with colours and shapes! Hopefully I will put more posts up about jewelry – after all I called this blog Albatz Gallery because it was supposed to be about ‘Art’ and ‘Design’…

  1. Thanks for stopping by my photography blog @vannilla and the ‘follow’. ‘Eat your way around the world’- yep, I can relate to that !!happy gastronomic journeys 🙂

  2. Hi Albatz,I am nominating you for the Liebster Award.

The Liebster Award is awarded to bloggers with under 200 followers to try to promote their blog.The rules of the competition are:

    The nominate must provide a link to the person who nominated them.
This is my link: http://teandpaper.com/2014/04/27/liebster-award-nomination/
    Provide 11 facts about yourself.

    Answer 11 questions set by the person who nominated you.
Choose 11 more people and ask them 11 questions.

    Have fun!

  3. The whole travel and taste thing I just so get. Love meeting the different cultures too, what an education. Just thought I should come over and see what you are all about having dropped comments Eoin my own blog. Are you now based in Vancouver? UI see plenty of images and recent posts on Myanmar, was that just holiday travel or did you live there? A fascinating place no doubt. Well wherever you are, nice to meet you and hope to bump into you again out in cyberspace, MM 🍀

    • I definitely haven’t been everywhere and now that I’m old(er) I find myself wanting to go back to my favourite places rather than explore new places. Still I definitely have a lot of favourite places to choose from!

  4. You have a great blog! Ive just begun to explore but must say that I really enjoy your Dad’s Stories. What a treat to have his journals and pictures. Thank you for sharing them. Thank you also for following my blog and liking my posts😊

  5. Hi there, just found your blog and commented on your Virgen de la Soledad post as we experienced this Fiesta too. Love Puerto Escondido. You have some interesting posts, will take time to look around and follow

  6. What a refreshingly original blog! Thanks so much for following Oh, the Places We See and for posting great articles about places we’ve seen or hope to see. Wishing you future travel and always good health.

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