Ganesha, the Elephant-Headed Boy God in Hinduism

In Bundi, India we were taken to a street of homes featuring altars of Ganesha, the Hindu elephant-headed boy god, above the door.

According to a local all homes in the region add an image of Ganesha on their walls along with their names and the date of their marriage as a way to bless their union.
In Bundi, this home features an altar above the door of Ganesh, the Hindu elephant boy god. According to a local all homes in the region add an image of Ganesh on their walls along with their names and the date of their marriage as a way to bless their unAnother Ganesh-blessed union.
In Bundi, this home with the blue door features Ganesh, the Hindu elephant boy god. According to a local all homes in the region add an image of Ganesh on their walls along with their names and the date of their marriage as a way to bless their unionAnd another, this one using a pictorial tile mural.Tiles on a wall in Bundi feature Ganesh, the Hindu elephant god boyGanesha also lives in temples where he will be adorned with flowers and sometimes tin foil.a pink Ganesh in Udaipur, IndiaIn Chittor, India, a temple features this silvery version of Ganesh, the Hindu elephant boy godHolding dried flowers.peonies on GaneshA painting of Ganesh hugging a lingon with two of his four arms; the other two hold an icon and what looks to be either a cobra or a piece of paisley. A painting of Ganesh, the elephant-headed god in Bundi, IndiaGanesh, the elephant boy god in a Delhi temple, IndiaA Hindu temple in the Cameron Highlands features a sculpture of Ganesh, the Hindu elephant god boyA wooden panel with a crude pink Ganesha carved on it.A Bundi temple features Ganesh, the Hindu elephant boy godMost of these images of Ganesha were found in India but this chubby boy-elephant god exists in Hindu temples around the world, this one in Singapore.
An altar with Ganesh, the boy god with an elephant head in a bright Singapore Hindu templeMore of Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Elephant (and Other Words with Two ‘E’s in Them).

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