Seasonal Mood Disorder and Me

The weather has been very cold in Vancouver since January, and either perpetually raining or snowing, none of which has helped my mood any, especially when combined with very intrusive and noisy construction around our apartment.

In March the building construction made our place unliveable. After a week or so of couch-surfing in our damp city we headed out on a small road trip to the Okanogan, much dryer. Finally seeing the sun after so many months lifted my mood considerably.shadows in the sun-lit water ripples in Okanogan Lake beach in Penticton, CanadaIt also became warmer and warmer in the third week of March culminating in a 15°C day in Okanogan Falls. We stopped at Liquidity Winery hoping their Bistro was open, but that was another month away. However they offered us a glass of their ‘welcome white’, and we just sat there and basked in the sun and warmth that hadn’t been around much over the winter. Enjoying the sun and wine glass of the 'welcome white' at Liquidity Winery in OsoyoosWe did a circle route from Osoyoos to Merritt and along the way the skies became changeable and moody. sun-lit yellow grasses in the foreground and a storm brewing behind near Merritt, CanadaUp into the hills it was snowing and the temperatures dropped to -5°C.stormy sky in the hills above Merritt, CanadaSnowy day in early April at Glimpse Lake in the hills above Merritt. Although the snow was beautiful, I was effectively trapped, as my knees are in dire need of replacing and I was unable to walk on the slippery uneven surfaces. snowy day in early April at Glimpse Lake in the hills above Merritt, CanadaAnd it kept snowing and snowing, and my mood kept getting darker and darker. Finally I had Al drive me down to Merritt, and even at the lower elevations there were blurred dots of snow falling in front of the sun-lit powerlines.blurred dots of snow falling in front of the sun-lit powerlines in the hills above Merritt, CanadaAnother storm forming over Nicola Lake, and dropping temperatures.Going into Merritt with a storm forming over Nicola Lake, CanadaI caught the 5 o’clock eBus out of there, and this was the last of the sun I saw for awhile. moody sky and lowering sun taken from the eBus window as I leave MerrittBack home and the weather was still dreary and raining but at least my knees could handle the rainy sidewalks a lot better than snow, and being able to walk about lifted my mood a lot. bare tree reflected in a rain-splattered chrome ball that supports a laughing red boy sculpture, Vancouver, CanadaAnd how can a bad mood persist when the tulips promise that spring is around the corner…raindrops on a pale tulip flower, Vancouver, CanadaMore of the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Mood.

8 responses to “Seasonal Mood Disorder and Me

  1. You went through quite a bit but you’re right, signs of spring are excellent to elevate anyone’s mood. If it’s any consolation, your photos and post, even when things were gloomy are amazing. Hope things are settled now.

    • I remember being surprised that so many things were blooming when I got back – especially masses of cherry trees. I suppose that they didn’t mind the rain as much as I did. Not yet quite settled but hopefully soon. And a ‘heat wave’ is predicted for the next three weeks, although the temperatures are mostly 25ish, perfect for getting out and about…

    • One of the friends I stayed with had a special light that he turned on to help lift the bad ‘weather’ mood. Normally the weather doesn’t bother me but this year it did – I do love the moody skies though.

  2. It was a damp, dark and extended spring but the good news is that’s all in the past, right?! BC is looking at heat wave up ahead. I’m back on the island and after weeks of gloomy rain, I’m looking forward to 3 weeks of sun in the forecast.

    My sympathies on your knees, I had problems over the winter with only one knee. For me, braces and a cortisone shot did wonders but for my hubby, he’s looking at surgery later this year.

    • I think everyone desperately wants some sun. I’ve been on a waiting list for over a year now – I would love to get the operation over with when the weather is decent – I hate not being able to get around like I used to…

  3. Well Elizabeth, I can totally relate to your post. I suffered from SAD for many years when we lived in the northeast and it was a big factor in our move south. The difference between northeastern winters and those here is a huge reason that I am so much happier here. My husband and I always made a point of a vacation to somewhere warm in mid-winter, which helped, but it also reminded me of how much I disliked the cold back home. SAD is definitely real although many are skeptical about it. BTW many people swear by those light machines they have now – an hour a day is supposed to really help those who suffer. All that said, your images truly convey the moods they express – beautifully captured.

    • Vancouver is basically the second warmest place in Canada in the winter; the warmest being Victoria over on the Island. So the only escaping is to get away somewhere warm in the winter, something I haven’t done since 2019 – no wonder it’s finally starting to affect me! I’ve never really felt that a winter vacation was actually a vacation – even when sitting in a hot tub at a ski hill – a vacation needs a bit of warmth! Today we are in the third day of a ‘heat wave’ with the temperature expected to get up to 27°C – my morning coffee was on the deck, gloriously quiet on a Sunday after six days of drilling, sawing and hammering so hopefully I will get back my happy place, even if it means getting away from the apartment and lying in a park somewhere by the ocean. It is wonderful that you were able to find a place that makes you happy – probably one of most important things in life…

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